Thursday, July 28, 2011


While trying to keep a steady access to the internet to get work done, I have realized how much I take it for granted...  It naturally feels like something that I should have at all times due to my phone, home connection, school connection, Starbucks connection....etc.  funny how spending more time than you trying make something work makes you realize how many things we have that we take for granted... even something as dumb and time consuming as the internet...

I have to say flying is not something I enjoy.  I always have the worst of luck.... have a bag stolen, camera blows up, flight is canceled because plane mechanics are not functioning, getting stuck in a place I hardly know..etc.. But I have to say one benefit is that I am forced to sit and take time for myself... think... I can listen to inspiring music, work on my studies, and catch up on a simple pleasure of watching a favorite movie.  That is what I like best and the only other thing I need is a foot rest and a comfier seat... tastier flight meal service would not be bad either...

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