Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So excited for break!

Finally!!  A small break! This quarter was great but I'm very excited for the next and in need of a small break before it.  Im tired!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Lesson I've Learned

More is simply just more...  Sometimes less is better.  It's more difficult to write an entire idea in one statement rather than ten.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


In my personal opinion I think there is nothing better than taking a bubble bath in a large tub inside of a luxurious and calming bathroom.  To me, it can be the ultimate luxury besides my bed!  In my hotel I want to create extremely luxurious bathrooms where people can really relax without spending a lot of money going to the spa.  These are some pictures of some bathrooms that I'd love to have!


I absolutely love Rubinetterie Zazzeri's line of fixtures!!  I thought this shower head was creative and I love the use of color. 

Friday, August 26, 2011


Long couple days!!  Been non stop working on the Kin Valley office design that past two days with Amelie.  We finally presented today and it went pretty well..  Sadly due to budget they had to go with design C instead of the more sustainable design A.  They were very grateful for all the work we did and it was fun working with them!!

I've also been working on my finals.  3DS Max is taking a looonnnggg time to render, of course but studio is going well.  I have slight hesitation towards my graphic layout for my book...I've been thinking that its probably because I've been lookin and working on it so much that Im just sick of it!.  It took a while to come up with it so I liked it a lot at one point!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More News....

Kin Valley:  Had a meeting on Tuesday.  They liked the floor plans and the options that we had prepared for them.  The final presentation is Friday!

Im really sick and its terrible.... Ive been drinking vitamin C like theirs no business.. and I've been trying to get some rest.  I'm excited for the quarter to be over.. I think this is my body saying it needs a break...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Not your Typical Monday

This morning, I went to breakfast with my dad and my puppy at J Christophers before class.  It was great to see my dad before he left for Atlanta and I was also able to show him some more of downtown Savannah before it became too hot.  He did not like the humidity at all but who does??  He loved seeing the city and loves the charming charming architecture.  My dog also loved the treat of going somewhere besides Forsyth or the dog park.  After, I dropped him off at the airport and my puppy at home, I went to class.

3DS Max is not going exactly as I'd like.  I'm having difficulty with my lights and I hope to fix ASAP so I can get all of the extremely time consuming renderings done!

For studio, Im still putting together my book.  Most importantly I'm still working on how I really want my lay out to be.  I also have to scan in a few more things and take pictures of model.  I hope to get that done by the end of this weekend.

I also need to give my poor puppy a bath and a hair clipping!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


DIRTT stands for doing it right this time.  The company creates office products that are reusable and sustainable to build out an office space.  The products do not puncture into the ground or the ceiling and are very customizable.  Its one of my favorite companies!

Days Fly By..

I can't believes its been four days since I have blogged and I have been doing so much...

First, the Kin Valley internship is going well.  Im glad I did it because its been a great learning experience with working with real clients and running into the typical issues of wanting a low budget, yet high quality, and sustainability and you just cannot have it all.  Its also been nice to create stronger local contacts with sales representatives and other businesses.  The other day I had a meeting with Scott Center at NOS about DIRTT and the ICE system that they use.  It is really amazing how the software makes your life so simple by specking all of your products right there and giving you the price of what it will cost. The products all also fascinating about the simplicity and how they are reusable.  I also found out that the new DIRTT factory opened up in Phoenix this past week and I was very excited to have a facility there to be able to receive products from in the future.  I also had a meeting with Kin Valley which went pretty well.  I have to say its difficult when you are two interns working for four interns who are working for an employee who is then working for another person who is then working for the boss.  The communication is not very strong and it has definitely been a struggle.  The office space definitely needed some help but it has been a very fun company to design for!

Second, my boyfriend is deploying for Iraq so I had a pool party for him on Saturday and that was a lot of fun!  He had a blast and then we all went out that night with his close friends and people that he worked with.  He's definitely exhausted and so am I!  We also went on one of our last dates before he leaves to Ele on Friday.  I got the Mahi Mahi and it was delicious!!  I then made him Bazooka when we went home.  Its a half baked chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge!  Very delicious!!

Third, my dad is coming in today to visit very very fast and Im about to go pick him up after I get my car washed because he gets very upset when it is not perfect! Hahaha Im going to show him around Savannah and show him the architecture. Also, I think Im going to take him out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Leocis and then I'll take him to his favorite place here, Leopolds!  Tomorrow, I'm going to take him to J Christophers and then he has to fly to Atlanta for business.  It will be very nice to see him since its been a  loonnnnggggg time since he has been here!

Yes I have been working on studio and my 3DS Max class in-between all of this.  The model is going nicely and I'm pretty happy with it.  The silos are definitely a PAIN to build! UGH!  But im getting through it! I've also been continuing my research and simplifying it down to fit in my book.  I'm still working on the graphics of my book.  Graphics have always been a bit hard for me and it usually takes my a built longer than others to come up with something that I really like.  A recent graduate from the SCAD interior design masters program came in and she spoke to each one of us to give us some advice. It was really helpful and nice to meet with her.  It was also great to here from someone else that I had a good amount of information on my building and that I've done a great amount of analyzing it. :D

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ville de Tempe Update

Recently I was sent some more pdf's about the archaeological research on the Hayden Flour Mill & Silos and its site.  They are about a thousand pages long each and yes, they are very overwhelming.  But! Over the weekend I was going through them and they had two pictures of the interior workers working in the mill and then pictures of the equipment that is currently still in there.  Unfortunately since I signed my life away with this info, I cannot post the pictures, but here is some industrial furniture that I think would be fun to use in the space to continue its industrial feel.

I like this bed but for a hotel I don't think it seems as inviting as it needs to be.... :-/

Im pretty in love with these lights, but the type of bulb used doesn't look very sustainable... :-/

I love all of this furniture and lighting but I'm torn because the whole reason why my color scheme is focused on white, red, and black is because those are the company logo colors and white was used to be sanitary.  Since sanitary conditions called for the use of white paint, I feel as though I need to create clean yet comfortable looking spaces and I should more sleek and modern furniture such as this:

I LOVE Sketch up!!!!

So today I learned some amazing things in sketch up and im PRETTY EXCITED!!!  You can take sketch up models and import them into revit and CAD and further manipulate them there!! Its amazing and I cannot wait to render my space in 3DS Max!!  I feel as though I really can express my ideas fully in computer renderings now were I felt extremely limited before with just Revit!  Creating masses in Revit is a pain!! In Sketch up, it's NOT a pain!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Just for Laughs...

100 Ways to help the Environment!

Computer or by Hand??

I have taken Revit and CAD classes and now I am in a 3DS Max class.  Sometimes when learning all these computer programs, I miss doing things by hand.  A nice part about the programs is that we can very accurate with our plans but when it comes to renderings, I feel as though that it takes just as long to do it by hand and computer.  Also, the computer renderings can look cold and not as inviting as when you do it by hand and you can really give more of the feeling of the room.  As I have been non stop rendering the past few days I've been thinking well for my capstone... should I render by hand or by computer.... I feel as though people are naturally more "impressed" by the computer renderings but I feel as though hand renderings are sometimes more appropriate when you have a lot o custom furniture and materials in a space...Maybe there is way to do both and be able to visually display both of them in a cohesive way.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Green Materials

For my project I've been researching sustainable materials to use within my building.  These are some of my plans and some of the materials I have found that I might use.


For some of the flooring, I am taking the old wood flooring in the building and the old timber structures and I am going to re use and re finish the wood in a Low VOC finish.

For tiling to possibly use in bathrooms or entryways, I found a great company called iris that is based out of Anaheim,CA.  The two products I like are partially made of recyclable materials in the USA and are Greengaurd certified for air quality.  The stone is manufactured within 325 miles of their manufacturing site and the company is conscious of being as sustainable as possible in shipping and the creation of the product.


 Another one of my favorite companies is Oceanside Glass Tile based out of Carlsbad California and is available through the Arizona Tile showroom. 

I love Caesarstones materials and I love juxtaposing it with a natural, organic, and rustic looking material.

Yolo paint!! Yolo paint has no VOCs and is Greengaurd Certified. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Tired....No.. Exhausted.. and Frustrated

I don't know if CAD is what is driving me crazy or if it is the fact that the drawings are hand drawn and therefore not perfect.... The third floor plan is to the correct scale yet the CAD plan is becoming bigger and more off from the drawing as I do each floor.  You would think well.... okay each floor is bigger... well no.. they are not.. After doing the site analysis, I realized how symmetrical each floor was.  They're basically the same and the building DOES NOT get larger...UGH... so my drawing should all line up!! and since it is not I am  I'm stressed and upset.... I need a vacation :( or maybe I should just go to bed. Good day.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Capstone Update

Ohhhh CAD...  We have a love hate relationship still but I'm happy to say that I'm getting better!  Its been a bit difficult since the drawings are hand drawn and are not perfect yet I have the perfectionist side of me and it's driving me crazy that the plans don't overlap perfectly and I am constantly changing dimensions.... I need to just draw it and accept the fact that it is not perfect.
    I've also been analyzing the buildings hierarchy, parti, symmetry, and site.  The building is very symmetrical and is typical of a nineteenth century modern factory.  It reminds me of the AEG Turbine factory from history class.  The building reflects its function.  The building was built to offer plenty of light, ventilation, and of course after the two initial fires, to be fire safe.  The geometry and symmetry of the floor plans is inspiring and it reminds me of the artwork of Mark Francis.

!Internship Opportunity!

Im excited to meet with the people who are the creators of Kin Valley, a family and kid friendly social networking site.  They created this site so families can keep in touch with their extended family safely and so parents can keep an eye on what their children are doing on a social networking website.  It also offers video chat, playing games with family members, and kids create their own world in a home they design and they can even add a pet.  Their office needs a little help and I can't wait to design a space that reflects their company!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Carbon Nation

This is by far the best film I have seen about climate change and sustainability.  I saw this film Thursday night at the Jepson and I have to say I was expecting the same ol' sustainability film about products and organizations I am already fully aware of.  This film took the topic of climate change and sustainability further by stating facts in a simple way and by digging deep into small and large companies that are coming up with new technology.  I also enjoyed how the film did not bring in politics and tried to stay neutral and that it did not say that we have to be tree hugging hippies because I feel as though thats is why there are a group of people who ignore sustainability and the damage the Earth is enduring.  
I am very excited and hope they will began a series because one of my favorite series is e2 by PBS.

A favorite quote of mine...

“Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting? He paws fiercely, rejoicing in his strength, and charges into the fray. He laughs at fear, afraid of nothing; he does not shy away from the sword. The quiver rattles against his side, along with the the flashing spear and lance. In frenzied excitement he eats up the ground; he cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.”
 - Job, Chapter 39 verses 19-24

I feel as though this quote does not just apply to horses but to leaders

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Natural Arizona Materials


Apache Paint Stone

Autumn Rose

Sierra Stone

Ranchers Stone

Midnight Stone

Sunburst Pebbles

Coconino Sandstone