Monday, August 15, 2011

Ville de Tempe Update

Recently I was sent some more pdf's about the archaeological research on the Hayden Flour Mill & Silos and its site.  They are about a thousand pages long each and yes, they are very overwhelming.  But! Over the weekend I was going through them and they had two pictures of the interior workers working in the mill and then pictures of the equipment that is currently still in there.  Unfortunately since I signed my life away with this info, I cannot post the pictures, but here is some industrial furniture that I think would be fun to use in the space to continue its industrial feel.

I like this bed but for a hotel I don't think it seems as inviting as it needs to be.... :-/

Im pretty in love with these lights, but the type of bulb used doesn't look very sustainable... :-/

I love all of this furniture and lighting but I'm torn because the whole reason why my color scheme is focused on white, red, and black is because those are the company logo colors and white was used to be sanitary.  Since sanitary conditions called for the use of white paint, I feel as though I need to create clean yet comfortable looking spaces and I should more sleek and modern furniture such as this:

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