Sunday, August 7, 2011

Capstone Update

Ohhhh CAD...  We have a love hate relationship still but I'm happy to say that I'm getting better!  Its been a bit difficult since the drawings are hand drawn and are not perfect yet I have the perfectionist side of me and it's driving me crazy that the plans don't overlap perfectly and I am constantly changing dimensions.... I need to just draw it and accept the fact that it is not perfect.
    I've also been analyzing the buildings hierarchy, parti, symmetry, and site.  The building is very symmetrical and is typical of a nineteenth century modern factory.  It reminds me of the AEG Turbine factory from history class.  The building reflects its function.  The building was built to offer plenty of light, ventilation, and of course after the two initial fires, to be fire safe.  The geometry and symmetry of the floor plans is inspiring and it reminds me of the artwork of Mark Francis.

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